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A word for friend, pal, homie or buddy. Mostly used when you meet up with your pals.

James: "Yo, Skitta George!"
George: "Yo Skitta my man!"

by Definiator2000 September 14, 2019


A word for "Homie, Pal, Buddy or Friend".

James: "You George, What's up my Skitta?"
George: "Nothin' much my Skitta, just chillin'."

by Definiator2000 September 14, 2019


IYNH is an acronym for the word call me if you need help.

John: Hey, there is a problem with the computer.
Elliot: I know how to fix it, Call me IYNH.

by Definiator2000 October 17, 2019


The word Blemo is referred to white emo kid Globally. However, many other people refer to it as Bright emo or a type of sad emotion.

"Hey, look at James. He looks like a Blemo."
"That guy over there looks like a Blemo."
"Ash is a bit Blemo right now."

by Definiator2000 August 1, 2019