Bigotry: The practice of intolerance
Intolerance: To force one's opinions on another. To not tolerate another view/practice/race/ideology/religion - To force others to conform to one's own view on this.
1) Intolerance refers not to disagreeing with someone, nor disliking someone (regardless of the reason therefore), but to attempting to force one's won opinions belief on them.
2) The classic BS argument provided in defense of bigotry is that not tolerating the intolerance is, in itself, intolerance.
It is very easy to distinguish which is bigotry and which a defense against bigotry by asking the question: In the absence of anyone using any force against the other, what would the outcome be?"
1) Bob: "I think I should be allowed be gay/trans/the owner of an assault weapon/not part of the military through drafting/a meat eater/a vegan/. Furthermore I believe I have the right to associate with whom I please, both personally and professionally."
Bill: "You shouldn't, seeing as I hold a different view., and my will over you must be absolute. And I have a small peepee for which I seek to compensate"
Bob: "Well, we can agree to disagree then, except on the size of your genitals. "
Bill: "No. I intend to agitate for my opinions regarding what you may and may not do to be law, and your not doing so must be punished by being locked in a cage for many years.
Bob: "Get fucked Bill, You're a bigot."
2) Bill: "Screw you hillbilly/queer/meat-murderer/tree-hugger/gun-toter/unpatriotic traitor. Your intolerance regarding the enforcement of my views on you is intolerance, so YOU'RE the bigot!"
Bob: "Bigotry is the use of force to force your view on someone else. In the absence of any force being used by anyone in the situations above, I would have sex with whoever I want and consents to it, eat what I want, believe what I want, buy whatever firearms I want and stay out of wars that don't concern me if I want. Thus I have practiced no bigotry as I have not used force in any way.
Bill: "Racist sexist fascist faggot hetero-normative patriarchal gynocentric libtard conservitard!!
Bob: "I don;t think we can be friends anymore. Oh, wat, we never were. Because you're a bigot."
Intolerance: To force one's opinions on another. To not tolerate another view/practice/race/ideology/religion - To force others to conform to one's own view on this.
Intolerance refers not to disagreeing with someone (this is disagreement), nor disliking someone (regardless of the reason therefore), but to attempting to force one's own opinions or belief on them.
Bob: "I think I should be allowed be bat for my own team/be trans/the owner of an assault weapon/not part of the military through drafting/a meat eater/a vegan/allowed to disagree with anyone regarding their sexual preference/lack thereof/religion/lack thereof/beliefs in scientology/feminism/masculism/the illuminati. Furthermore I believe I have the right to associate with whom I please, both personally and professionally."
Bill: "You shouldn't, seeing as I hold a different view., and my will over you must be absolute. And I have a small peepee for which I seek to compensate"
Bob: "Well, we can agree to disagree then, except on the size of your genitals, of which I have no knowledge."
Bill: "No. I intend to agitate for my opinions regarding what you may and may not do to become law, and your not doing so must be punished by being locked in a cage for many years.
Bob: "Get fucked Bill, your intolerance makes you a bigot.
Feminism was once deemed the belief in :The radical idea the men and women are equal".
This has changed to the belief that "men and women are not currently equal, and it falls upon us to change this - thus we redefine it to mean that in any situation where there is conflict of opinion or interest and the people in conflict are of different genders, prejudice is a virtue. This will ensure a more equal outcome as it is currently slanted towards men."
Claire: "We should believe all women when they make accusations."
Tom: "I think we should believe all men when they deny accusations."
Sally: "You're both messed up. Prejudice is not a virtue."
Claire: "it is for me. I believe in feminism."
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A populist political movement with bigotry as it's cornerstone.
"No mate, I think all people should enjoy the same legal rights, regardless of their race, gender, or any other way you choose to classify. That's the basis of a a free and fair society. You're telling me the Political Left believes we should discriminate?"
"You racist sexist trans-homo-phobe!! That's racist because it denies racial inequality and cancels out people's race as their primary identity. It's sexist because it does not provide for special privileges equating to empowerment for women. It's trans and homo - phobic because it allows for freedom of association, and people may not want to associate with someone for whatever reason, including that they don't like the way their breath smells. And the person in question might be trans or homosexual!! Fascist!!
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