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Word of the day

Chosen by the "moderators" of the site, this is used to promote a word or phrase. Made by the users of the site (supposedly, they could be creating alts). These definitions are often extremely biased and skewed in their own ways or generalize/stereotype an entire group. Due to their controversy, a high number of both dislikes and likes are given to the definitions, some based on trolling, others based on (sometimes objective) choices. Often moderators choose inaccurate or political ideas, for no known reason aside from promoting some agenda. Either that, or it's supposed to be the most popular word around, even though I doubt this.

Moderators: Here's the Word of the day!
The definition: LMAO these people are shit! Fuck them!
Viewers: *groan* not again

by Defintionist January 6, 2021

4👍 1👎


Something people always use to reject criticism of whatever subject it is. It means that people have an irrational fear or hatred of something. Legitimate uses of -phobia would be saying a person that fears spiders is arachnophobia, or arachnophobic for a person specifically scared of spiders. However, calling someone transphobic because they believe transgenderism is a mental disease is NOT accurate. For example, calling me an autistophobic because I believe autism is a mental disease or OCDphobic because I believe OCD is a mental disease are clearly not accurate.

Often in media, -phobia, such as islamophobia, is used to vilify people that are critical of a belief, theory, or fact. This is inaccurate, as a correct example would be “He is homophobic, meaning that he is hateful towards homosexuals.”

by Defintionist August 29, 2020