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Serbian / Croation nickname for the name Dejan

Hey Deki, what's up?

by Dejan January 5, 2005

15👍 14👎


Pussy, cunt,...

Why are you being such a pièka

by Dejan March 7, 2004

10👍 3👎


A serbo-cratian name. Dejan is a popular name of Serbs but has also been used by Croats and Slovenians.

-Dejan Savicevic, Dejan Stankovic, Dejan Bodiroga (SERBS)

by Dejan April 29, 2004

136👍 51👎


Aritra is a name of a girl who likes to live in her own terms. She is pretty and smart. She often seems aware of people’s intentions but play it dumb so that she can move on without causing a chaos. She is like a breath of fresh air, real and authentic.

Hey is this Aritra: omg she is so cute and awesome look at her fashion sense.

by Dejan November 25, 2021