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June 6

National short friend day. If your friend is short you should like give them all your life savings. And your lunch, just cause.

Short friend: hey guys it’s June 6 you know what that means!
Tall friend: noo I gave you all my money last year and I got sick cause you made me switch lunches with you and I’m allergic to peanuts!

by Deltadog March 24, 2021

22👍 8👎

June 6

The day for the best people alive! They are smart caring and normally do some sport thats crowd involved. They are really short most of the time.

Person 1: Hey today is june 6th, my birthday! Person 2: But your like 7’10. That’s for short people. I guess I will just have to take care of this

Person 1: *dies*

by Deltadog March 24, 2021