1. A piece of cloth that you use to clean stuff.
2. A slang term for a womans period.
3. A slang term for women in general.
(warning women find being called rag offensive)
Example 1.
Me: I need to borrow that rag to wipe down the table.
Other guy: okay bro.
Example 2
Me: Was she on her rag today or something?
Other guy: I don't know, she's being a bitch today though.
Example 3:
Me: Dayyumm look at that rag over there. She's sexy!
Other guy: Daaaaaayyyummmm! She's fine!
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He is a small YouTuber that does gaming videos.
Me: hey man, have you seen the new "let's play" by Antignarot?
Other guy: Who?
Me: He's a small YouTuber that I watch.
Other guy: oh cool, I'll look him up.
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An entertainment company that used to be at least slightly entertaining.
Now it's total shit
They have crap like A.N.T farm and all that bullshit now.
Me: Disney used to have slightly good shows back in the day.
Other dude: I know right! Now they have crap!
Me: exactly!
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Usually practiced in homosexual couples, but it is also done between some straight couples as foreplay.
When you lay down with someone, get in a cuddle type position and mastubate with them.
Some people make out with the person while they do it.
As I laid there, jerking my cock, at the sight of her masturbating next to me, she leaned over and started to make out with me.
This mutual masturbation thing is great!
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A russian man with semi-curly hair, a childish face, tattoos, can't grow any facial hair other than a mustache, and is a dick.
Person 1: You see that Russian kid...I mean man, over there?
Me:Yeah, he's a total Nacho
Nacho: Hey asshole, what did you call me?
Person 1: *runs away*
Me: A nacho..
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Possibly the most painful human emotion ever felt.
Love is the desire to help the person even if you have to pay the price, love is the desire to look past someones flaws, love is unconditional, or it's not real love.
Love is the worst and best emotion.
Me: I love you. :)
My girlfriend: I love you too. :)
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A person who is attracted to the same sex.
They are just regular people like you and me. Nothing wrong with being homosexual.
They are often misunderstood and mistreated for lots of stupid reasons.
Let me be clear, everyone is able to have their own opinions, but, to be respected, you must respect others.
Other Guy: Hey! Look at those homosexual faggots! Wanna go fuck with them?
Me: Leave them alone asshole.
Other guy: you're a fag!
Me: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. it doesn't matter. I know right from wrong and I'm not going to let you mess with them.
Other guy: You're a fag! *runs away like a bitch*
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