1) The written representation of the letter W, as might be pronounced with a southern drawl.
2) The nickname for George W.Bush, the 43rd president of the United States of America. Derived from his accent - see 1, above.
If the 23rd letter of the alphabet is "dubya", you might be a redneck.
978π 478π
Notional name for bakery outlet stores (such as what are run by Weber and Orowheat) that sell products at discount rates.
Origin is obscure, but probably comes by analogy that something that's previously used is a lot cheaper than something that's new.
Usage is considered silly.
We picked up food at the used bread store for half the price we would've paid at the grocery store!
17π 3π
"I agree with you on that subject."
Derived directly from a song by the same name performed by the Temptations, and frequently played on oldies radio stations in the United States. Usage is generally considered bad form, as typically it's anything except an emotion that the person is agreeing with.
When I told Clyde that the best thing for the cash was to be placed overnight in the safe, he said "I second that emotion". I promptly beat him over the head with a stack of one dollar bills.
25π 55π
A gathering of any number of randoms that centers around the sharing of software. So called because oftentimes the software in question is pirated.
The term borrows heavily on otomatopeia - specifically the use of Arr.
Dude, I scored a cracked version of Photoshop at the R party!
11π 32π
1) Dice. Note that this sense is never used singularly - you never roll "a bone", you roll "the bones". Origin unclear - but I suspect it has something to do with certain voodoo in which a practicer would cast bones for fortune telling.
2) Monetary units, usually US dollars. Used for high numbers generally. Origin again unclear here, but possibly alludes to an arm and a leg.
2) Dude, that designer shirt is gonna cost you fifty bones.
10π 21π
A description of a document (for instance, a programming schedule for a convention) that, while written or printed, is still at the given moment highly flexible and can be reshaped with little to no effort.
Derived by analogue to set in stone, and with lack of a better substance to set soemthing in that would require flexibility.
The payment terms for this contract are still set in jello.
10π 5π
Notional leading cause of a beverage running out of the mouth and down your shirt due to poor aim (the mouth of your can was tilted to your nose) or poor control (tilted the coffee cup too far back).
Derived from the fact that it kind of looks like you took a hole punch to the skin just below your lower lip.
Dude, you spilled coffee all down the front of your shirt, you have a hole in your lip or something?
20π 4π