An excuse used by parents for failing to discipline their kid and as a result creating an obnoxious, hyperactive, spoiled brat in severe need of a boot in the ass. Also a bullshit diagnosis given by child psychiatrists to prescribe pills for the kid because more than likely they're getting a kickback from the pharmaceuticals company.
Soccermom: My little Timmy has ADD.
DennisIsEvil: No he doesn't, he just needs a good boot in the ass.
37π 86π
Shoes for people with no taste. They look dorky as hell and are insanely overpriced for the simple fact they are merely molded plastic. The funny thing is nobody would touch these hideous things when they were 5 dollars and sold at hardware stores for gardeners. Once they became insanely over rpiced and were worn by celebs with no taste they sell like hotcakes
Crocs are shoes for people with no taste
104π 43π
A common last ditch effort in a heated political debate to steer the argument back in one's favor by declaring your opponent's position to be that of Adolf Hitler.
Often times this is done with little thought as to whether or not adolf hitler was for or against a particular side. Who cares about logic it's just fun to insult your opponents by likening them or their beliefs to tyrannical despots.
If you wish to play the Hitler Card and not look like a total tool here's some examples of Adolf Hitler's stances or at least what he claimed publicly.
He was For: abortion, capital punishment, censorship, eugenics, gun control, racial purity, and vegetarianism.
He was against: atheism, capitalism, communism, democracy, drinking, the disabled, feminists, Jews, Jehovah's witnesses, Gypsies, homosexuals, labor unions, pornography, prostitution, psychoanalysis, and smoking.
77π 13π
Any vile or disgusting substance. Named after the actual definition which is the fluids that come out of a recently dead woman usually a nice cocktail of embalming fluid and leftover bodily fluids. Elderly women over 60 are preferred for this but beggars can't be choosers.
To get it you must go to a cemetery with very liberal security and a buddy you trust enough to commit breaking and entering with. You will also need said buddy to help you dig up the grave. Once you've hit pay dirt and found the corpse you put your lips around the vagina of the dead woman and have your buddy jump off a tombstone and onto the corpse's stomach and wait for the mung to splash up into your mouth.
Ewww Jessica just stepped in mung while wearing flip-flops.
36π 39π
One who always feels the need to be protesting or joining some cause such as greenpeace or PeTA. Causeheads are habitual joiners and often end up abandoning a previous cause for another more promising one.
Protestors who always feel the need to jump from one cause to another or a bunch of causes at once are causeheads.
31π 7π
The hard scabs on poopstains left in your undies. Wipe your grubby ass better next time you grungy mudderfudder.
Tom failed his job interview because his poopscrapes on his grungy underwear stunk and his boss didn't enjoy the rank odors.
2π 4π
Somebody who just cannot mind their own damn business and stirs up trouble. Anytime there's a tenuous peace existing and it looks like a conflict is about to blow over or has come and gone expect some shit disturber to go and restoke the fires.
There are an awful lot of shit disturbers in politics.
90π 38π