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drama queen

An annoying bitch who always feels like every insignificant problem in her day is a disaster of Hurricane Katrina proportions. Anyone who so much as gives her the time of day is in for an endless session of hearing why her boyfriend is such an asshole or how she's fat because she can't wear size 0 jeans along with an allday crying marathon.

If you value your sanity avoid these psychic vampires like the clap or you'll never have a minute's peace.

My ex girlfriend is such a drama queen.

by Dennisisevil September 22, 2006

1157πŸ‘ 415πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who copies off everyone else. They ain't got the balls to be themself so they bite off of someone else.

Damn it Eric stop being a biter.

by Dennisisevil October 11, 2006

113πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


An ugly obnoxious bitch. Waking up with one is the usual result of way too much booze and not enough wingmen.

I should really lay off the Jagerbombs I keep waking up beside a ditchpig.

by Dennisisevil March 21, 2007

46πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


To leave somewhere and go home or someplace else.

Sorry Guys, But I gotta haul.

by Dennisisevil October 16, 2005

55πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

harley davidson

A once proud brand of motorcycles that were originally only owned by legit badasses back in the day. Sadly sometime in the `80s posers got into the act and Harley Davidson began to become more concerned with merchandising rather than building decent bikes and it became acceptable for doctors, lawyers, and fat bald guys having a midlife crisis to ride Harleys.

If you own a Harley Davidson edition anything you're not a bad-ass you're a pathetic poser urinating allover the once proud name of Harley Davidson. Fuckin' trendys always ruin everything.

Harley Davidson is now the very definition of selling out.

by Dennisisevil July 14, 2006

561πŸ‘ 319πŸ‘Ž


A device fast food places came up with during the `80s to serve lazy fatasses who are too fat or lazy to walk from the parking lot to the counter. Essentially a window on the side of the building where you get your special six patty big mac served between three hashbrowns instead of buns.

The drive-thru was invented for lazy people.

by Dennisisevil May 5, 2006

50πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Football Factory

A college that basically doesn't give a crap about academics only how many more butts it can put in the stadium. Usually inhabited by brain-dead jocks who will more than likely end-up pumping gas when they get out of school.

That school is a football factory.

by Dennisisevil October 16, 2005

38πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž