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Insted of a girlfriend(yucky!) or boyfriend(yay!) its a gayfriend. get it????????? kewl!!!!1

Billie Jos mah gayfriend!!1 ~_^

by Derick Ross May 30, 2005

14👍 17👎


When you dig your toungue into a woman's snatch and you suck the juice out and spit it back in her vagina.

Lara: good gravy, i never knew that a flurpy could pleasure me in such a way.

by Derick Ross March 29, 2003

16👍 37👎


A sick, twisted, demented whore who does anything for money.

That slut's a fuckin' gibbonheimer. I heard that she once fucked an entire football team.

by Derick Ross March 29, 2003

3👍 6👎


Sloppy, sticky, very wet butt-sex with a woman.

Megan loves sloopy sex.

by Derick Ross March 29, 2003

27👍 100👎


When you spit into a girl's mouth, then shove your dick in it.

Spittoes are fuckin' disgusting to woman, but it doesn'e feel wrong to men.

by Derick Ross March 29, 2003

3👍 2👎


a very large six-sided vibrator with jagged ends and suction cups.

Funcles are often used at slumber parties.

by Derick Ross March 29, 2003

12👍 49👎