Shadow wizard money gang; street niggas not to be trifled wit(they love casting spells)
Person 1: you look at them virgin niggas over there, LETS ROB THEM!
Person 2; dont do that they're part of the SWMG
Excommunicated giga Chad, removed because his PP got erect and struct down god straight from heaven. Now he turned to the dark arts to create surprisingly great rates to gather disciples for his cult, state farm.
A giga Chad that was excommunicated after his magnum dong got erect and knocked god down from heaven. Turning to the dark arts he created surprisingly great rates to collect disciples for his cult of state farm.
Coolest nigga ever, if dapper was a person(he gives the best handshakes)
Person2: fax
Bad books that people find interesting for a very short period of time, rarely bought and even rarelier finished. Lame biographies, lame romances, etc.
Person 1: I wrote this book, you should check it out.
Person 2: that book is airport literature. Please kys and burn any copies you have.