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Phil Swift

A literal dumb ass, as some would call this person. Often this term is used in a hurtful way to call someone mentally handicapped. These types of people are social outcasts that are best left ignored, as they try to provoke others to gain the attention it so desires.

Guy 1: Yo, I got this random Steam Notification from some guy named, "Phil Swift?"

Guy 2: What does it say?

Guy 1: It says, Black Chariot is a major offensive operation not for the defense of SCI Servers, but against SCI Servers as a whole. After being forced out of SCI for means of safety for our members, we are returning after months of exile. We do not expect to return after this operation. The entire Coalition is participating in this, and we expect YOU to be there too. Every and all weapons are deploying here. Destroy any and all opposition."

Guy 2: Well, he sure acts like a Phil Swift.

by Dert26 June 17, 2018

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