AyoubJaouhar is an exotic, traditionnal yet modern man.
The smartest, caring, kind, cool, ambitious man that you can know in your life.
You can do nothing except love people called Ayoub; and contemplate the actions that the Ayoubs do.
A man called Ayoub will be the ray of sunshine that we all need on a daily basis, you will fill up with vitamins D thanks to Ayoub and your life estimate will increase by 10 years. Above all, you must not forget to put on your sunglasses to protect yourself from its very powerful rays.
We all need an Ayoub in our speed to increase our lifespans to change the world and make the world more pleasant to live in. So let's mobilize and find all our AyoubJaouhar.
Ayoub is a man who loves to help, he loves to make people happy and he does it with pleasure, he is amazing and you have to be careful because you can fall into a coma because he is so kind.
Find your AyoubJaouhar
Protect your Ayoub Jaouhar
Love your Ayoub Jaouhar
Marry your Ayoub Jaouhar
"The sun has not risen yet" ; "AyoubJaouhar is sleeping"
"I'm the best person in the world" : "I'm Ayoub Jaouhar"