Kemi is beautiful both
inside and out. By looks alone, Kemi could steal the
heart of any boy. But what is inside, is even better.
She has the most prettiest brown eyes ever.
Kemi always puts everyone else before her. She cares
so much about everyone around her, and sometimes
forgets to think about herself. She has the biggest heart
that never stops growing. She never fails to make you smile or add
a little optimism to your day Along with the endless
love existing within her heart, Kemi is a very strong
individual. She is brave and fearless and never
gives up. A wonderful person all around a beautiful independent woman that is hard working never let go of a girl like kemi she will be one of the most important people in your life love her with all your heart. She is not afraid to stand up for what she
believes in. Besides her beautiful soul, She has the ability to move mountains,
and change the life of each person she meets. A beautiful intelligent girl. Kemi is unique like her name and stands out from the crowd. sincere, talented, remarkable, amazing.
humour and jokes make anyone laugh. Kemi is able to light up a
room the same way millions of stars light up the
Night! She is that unique treasure that you stumble
along the beach, so special that it is nearly impossible
to find. If you find a Kemi in your life, never let her go.
She is someone worth keeping around forever.
Remember to remind her how much she means to you. Having her is the best