A very nice way of calling someome a "Goofy Ass".
The phrase "Goofy ahh" is very commonly ended with "Uncle Productions" due to the internet meme surrounded this phrase.
Eric: Hey, dude, you just tripped when there was nothing there, how?
Isaac: It's because that guy is a goofy ahh.
36👍 15👎
A furry who is way to into being a furry. Of course there is nothing wrong with being a furry, but I am talking about the furries are even more cringe than normal.
These people like to over use emoticons like "UwU", "OwO" "TwT", and many other brain deteriorating emoticons, and replace all L's/R's with W.
They also like to over exaggerate an annoying high pitch voice, making them sound like lolis. This is especially done by the female degenates of this group of people.
They also have an unhealthy obsession with making animal noises, going on all fours, and wearing there fursuit 24/7.
UwUGamer123: Hewwo Fwiends OwO
Alex6969: Oh dear God, a furrytard
FoxyGaming05: What's a furrytard?
Alex6969: You are witnessing one right now
UwUGamer123: TwT so mean
12👍 1👎
Velma is either A.
A character from the cartoon franchise Scooby Doo. She looks like a hotter woman version of the nerd emoji.
Or B.
A shitty HBO max original that tries to be woke but is really just stupid and for the most part unfunny, and assassinates nearly every character in the franchise. They didn't even bother adding Scooby, the literal dog the franchise is named after. That's how you know they didn't give a shit when making this show.
The HBO Max show Velma blows absolute ass.
50👍 4👎
It's exactly what the name implies. Someone who actively hates on or trolls with furries. These people typically do not like furries, and are really rude and condescending towards them, despite the fact the individual they singled out likely didn't do a thing to them.
People here on Urban Dictionary will tell you furry haters don't go out of there way to do such nonsense, but the name implies otherwise. It is in the name they hate on them. Folks can not like or hate them all they want, you can't control what they like and don't like. What isn' to be tolerated is taking out that anger on someone merely for being a furry. Never even knowing who that person was.
Some have gone as far as doxxing, harassment, and etc. It's all petty nonsense in the end. People live how every they want to live, and who the hell are you to tell them otherwise?
Furry Haters can go fuck themselves.
46👍 27👎
A zoophile is someone who has a sexual or romantic attraction to dogs. To put it simply, they need to go get some serious help.
Not all of these deranged individuals fuck dogs, but will claim that being a zoophile makes then a quirky queer, and deserves deeming of being a sexuality, which is absolutely retarded.
Go to Quora, Twitter, TikTok, and sometimes even YouTube comment sections to find these individuals. They often get a descent sized following from making content that attracts other like-minded people.
They will try to tell you that most zoophiles don't fuck dogs, but don't be fooled by their petty lies, they are an entire community based on a sick perversion that implies they think about fucking dogs. It isn't hard to search for such things either. I highly recommend not looking it up, as the FBI will be at your door the next morning.
These people believe that they are smarter than normal people too, and will give you unreliable open sourced bullshit that will put a virus on your computer.
Most of these individuals will try to tell you how dogs consent to sex when these creatures can't even fucking speak. They mostly are mentally retarded individuals that can't find any bitches because they are likely redditors and discord moderators at the same time.
John: Hey, brotha, wassup
Jimmy: Sup John! Hey, I heard my girlfriend got caught fucking the dog last night, is that true?
John: Yeah, she is a retarded zoophile dude, just break up with her.
21👍 35👎
An absolutely aborently appalling internet shock video made by the same guys who made the infamous video, "Two girls, One cup".
This video includes some of the most diabolically disgusting fetishism known to man kind, and can only be topped by some seriously fucked up shit. It's nauseating vile brain got on a screen, and anyone who enjoys watching it needs to find fucking Jesus.
To summarize and describe the video, 4 girls finger paint is a pork video that starts out with one girl shitting over another girls anus, and then a different woman coming up and eating it, sloshing it around in her mouth like a soup. They then, as the video says, finger paint with this massive heap of stringy shit, and throw up on each other, and even in each other's mouths by sticking there fingers down their throats to trigger their gag reflex(you'd think what they were doing would be enough, but apparently not).
It's a 15-17 year old video, but still elicits very disgusted reactions, sometimes even throwing up, and people won't even finish the video. If you decide to find this video, proceed with caution and have a bin near by, you will most likely, at the very least, gag 5 times. If not, you truly have a densely fortified mind.
I searched up "4 girls finger paint " last night, and I must say, it didn't disappoint, I was quite disgusted.