The act of going "Full Zellner" is to approach any particular task with absolute meticulousness and zeal, leaving no stone unturned in ones plight to succeed. No effort or expense is spared until the task is complete or goal reached. Some well known people who have gone "Full Zellner" in their line of work are Tommy Wiseau, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kathleen Zellner.
Friend; How did your prostate check up go?
Patient: It was really uncomfortable, the doctor went "Full Zellner".
Friend: Oh no... is everything ok?
Patient: Yeah everything is fine, I'm 100 percent totally clear.
Friend: At least you know for sure.
Someone who relentlessly watches the same TV series or show over and over again on a "loop of doom" until they can recite the entire script off memory, whilst simultaneously claiming that all current TV offerings are sub-par and not worthy of their attention.
Friend of Doom Looper; Have you seen that new show on Netflix that just came out?
Doom Looper; Nah, it sucks.
Friend of Doom Looper; But you havent seen it?
Doom Looper; I'm currently watching "The Office" for the 645th time.
Friend of Doom Looper; You're a Doom Looper.
Doom Loop Delay (or DLD for short) is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show over and over again) has been so entrenched in their Doom Loop, that they have become out of touch with current affairs & TV shows. Shows they haven't seen seem like they were released yesterday, although most non loopers have probably seen them already. There are varying degrees of DLD, from mild to severe.
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Hey friend, have you seen "Making a Murderer"? Its this CRAZY TV documentary show!
Friend of Doom Looper; Yeah, that came out like 4 years ago? Did you only just see that?
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Yeah I just finished it yesterday...
Friend of Doom Looper; What? What have you been doing?
Doom Looper in the year 2020; I was watching "The Office" for the 645th time...
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Delay.
Doom Looper in the year 2020; That's what she said.
Doom Loop Exhaustion (or DLE for short), is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show on repeat) has exhausted a particular TV Series or Show to the point where classic jokes or moments don't barely muster a reaction out of them anymore.
Michael Scott; Gaba-Gool...
Doom Looper suffering from DLE; **silence**
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Exhaustion.