If it came down to my baby sister and a million fluffy kittens I'd kick every helpless cat into a wall so I thought I was for animal testing... untill I researched it for a research/arguementation paper in my college course. The more cost-efficient and accurate way to test for medical advancements is in-vita (in tube cell studies) from humans, animals and even plants. For example, jack beans can be used to mimic the cornea and test for eye irritants. It's called an Eytex. Pumpkins can be used in Skintex's to imitate human skin. Not onyl that, but animals react so differently than humans that about 5% of tried and true animal tests murder thousands of people once put on shelves. Basically, if you think you're pro-animal testing then you're uneducated. Forget moral desicions and human life vs. animal life. Animal-testing kills more people than it helps. Why do it then right? The businesses make HUGE amounts of money from grants and the sale of test animals.
Educated about animal testing.
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