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Those who have hijacked the meaning of conservatism and screwed up the Republican brand, like most GOP primary voters these days. That base: "an excitable, overlapping assortment of Fox News friends, Limbaugh dittoheads, Tea Party animals, war whoopers, nativists, Christianist fundamentalists, à la carte Catholics (anti-abortion, yes; anti-torture, no), anti-Rooseveltians (Franklin and Theodore), global-warming denialists, post-Confederate white Southrons, creationists, birthers, market idolaters, Europe demonizers, and gun fetishists."

If you are Liberal or Progressive, don't forget to spring ahead 1 hour tonight. If you are Regressive, forget it. You folks have fallen so far behind that 1 hour won't make much difference.

by Dhanarose March 10, 2012

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