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jack black

1. The sexiest fat dude on the planet.
2. The better half of the amazing band Tenacious D.
3. The only celeb who has ever suited both singing and acting perfectly.

Jack Black... legend!!1

by DiamondSerpant April 1, 2007

168πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

special headed

a way to descibe someone who is 'special' in the head.

"lets just say Lee is a bit special headed"

by DiamondSerpant March 26, 2007

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


along with guns n roses the most overrated rock band EVER.


hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

nirvana were genious's


by DiamondSerpant March 26, 2007

7πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

cucumber sandwich

1. The poshest food you could ever eat. Especially if eaten with mayonniaise and a cup of tea, and followed by a scone with jam and cream.

Usually enjoyed by people living in London, especially near Windsor.

2. An insulting name for a posh person

3. For a man to cum on another mans ass them rub their ass cheeks againt theirs thus spreading the cum up and between both pairs of cheeks.

1. "oooh Godphrey! I think i'll enjoy a nice cucumber sandwich and a small cup of Earl Grey with lemon! Tish Tosh."

2. "You can't eat ice-cream with a fork!!!... U fucking cucumber sandwich!"

3. "Me and my gay lover were going through a sexual rut, so we decided to try a cucumber sandwich"

by DiamondSerpant March 25, 2007

9πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

ass beaver

A very hair ass. A ass that is so hairy it looks like a beaver. Loved by some gay men, but others prefer a nice bald tavern for thier fancies.

Sometimes used as an insult to someone who is hairy of just a twat in general...

"Duuuuuude! I fancy sticking my cock in ure sweaty ass beaver tonight!!"

"Lee! U big, sweaty, farting ass beaver!"

by DiamondSerpant March 15, 2007

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


loved by gay men everywhere.

everyone who likes to give it up the ass is destined to be gay.

"i want to give it to my girlfriend up the ass"

"dude. your destined to be gay"

"dude. i said GIRLfriend"

"yeah. ok"

by DiamondSerpant March 26, 2007

15πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

guns n roses

the most overrated rock band EVER.

They took a drug addict lead singer and sung about love and won over the heart of millions of retards. A true rock band? i think NOT

shit... along with Nirvana

Guns N Roses arent fit to lick ass!

by DiamondSerpant March 26, 2007

147πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž