1. A human or non-human with a human and non-human parent, (e.g. alien, animal, robot, mystical creature, etc.).
2. A being whose body is part human and part non-human regardless of who their parents are.
(NOTE: demihuman is more a word for those with a human and non-human parent than those whose bodies are partly human).
(e.g: There are many types of demihumans, including demigods, deminymphs, demidivinities, demiangels (aka. Earth angels), demidemons, demialiens (aka. starseeds), demirobots (aka. cyborgs / androids), demifairies, demimerpeople, demicentaurs, demielves, semi-demigods and more).
(The words, otherkin and otherkith are similar to demihuman).