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dirty hawaii

Shitting in the ocean in Hawaii and eating it before anyone notices

Man>fuck I just dirty Hawaiied and I don’t feel so good
Girl> damn you need some pepto

by Dick Cheeze Demario March 19, 2018

6👍 2👎

The Midnight Run

Basically if you’re bored and midnight is rolling around and your whole neighborhood is asleep you go round up all the dogs in the neighborhood and tie them to the tailgate of your car and go ride around for fifteen minutes going on the highway at least once and you have 15 minutes to shlump the dogs and if at least one live you have to go and apologize and tell exactly why you did it to everyone that you took a dog from and give them their dead dog and the one that was left alive you have to slit throat of it right in front of owner so it doesn’t suffer

Midnight runner:(rings doorbell)

(Opens door) “soooo I took your dog on a willlddd ride sorry but it was fun and I was bored”(gives dog to owner)
Dog owner: OH MY GOSH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE(bursts into crying)
Midnight Runner: “the midnight run sir l-m-a-o”

by Dick Cheeze Demario November 28, 2018

8👍 19👎

dirty syndrome

Stealing peoples chromosomes and dealing them like drugs...

Dealer- Wanna buy some cwomeasomes

Man- nah but damn you’re savage because you’re committing a dirty syndrome

by Dick Cheeze Demario March 19, 2018

Rule 206

Rule 206 is a rule that means absolutely nothing but you have to act like it’s crazy if you know of it. BUT, you can’t tell anyone this rule they have to find out themselves. You can also use this to your advantage to clown people into or out of doing something(example in sentence below. Knowing this makes you based.

*friend shits in public restroom*
Me: DUDE RULE 206!
Friend: What is that?
Me: Can’t tell you

by Dick Cheeze Demario September 30, 2020

7👍 5👎

Boom chicken soup

If you hear this from someone just know they are an incestable. Nobody knows what this means it’s just a random slur of words from incestables

What’s up
Boom chicken soup

by Dick Cheeze Demario March 19, 2021

3👍 2👎

dirty irish

The only way to accomplish this is by going to Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day and looking for a rainbow and when you find it chase the end of it and once you get there take as much gold as possible then a drunk Leprechaun will come out trying to fight you and then you need to pick up the really heavy pot while the magic coins give you super powers and drop it on his head and start fucking him to become a Leprechaun!

Man- How’d you become the Leprechaun
Leprechaun- I dirty irished the last one
Man- well that’s what I’m planning to do with you
Leprechaun- Shit :(

by Dick Cheeze Demario March 19, 2018

9👍 16👎


A child of incest especially with obvious mental depletions

James is a product of incest with obvious retardation so he’s an incestable

by Dick Cheeze Demario March 19, 2021