My teacher ate my pet goldfish I was taking on a walk in the local fire station where my dead nan works, They bring back ashes from the fire to dedicate Her as they use her ashes for fuel and water.
My teacher ate my pet goldfish I was taking on a walk in the local fire station where my dead nan works, They bring back ashes from the fire to dedicate Her as they use her ashes for fuel and water. Dictionary Deffesbfeugauhfe or whatever u call it
Another retarded way to say definition made by English teachers across the world. I also had spaghetti today. Get this right, this teacher in my school gave me a detention for eating her son, like wtf!!!!!!!!!
Oi Wanker, You see the dictionary definition for your mum ahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahhaha. :||||||| Thesaurus/Died