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n 1: a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes syn: filibusterer 2: a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches v : obstruct deliberately by delaying; of legislation

In the Senate the Minority party use of the filibuster can stop everything and controversial because of there opposition to it.

by Dictionary Server April 15, 2004

302👍 91👎


a cute petite girl, can be used as a pet name for someone's girlfriend.

let me know when you're finished gromming manami.

by Dictionary Server September 2, 2004

39👍 19👎


manami-meaning slow;retarted;one has no clue what is going on in life;not reluctant;stupid;sustainable idiot

I found that George Bush has an manami attitude

by Dictionary Server April 15, 2004

26👍 63👎


One who engages in delaying tactics;one who filibusters in oppostion and objects.

John Warner in the us senate is a person who is a filibusterer constantly while in the minority in the us senate.

by Dictionary Server April 15, 2004

7👍 2👎