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Boredom is an emotion you feel when you cannot find a good youtube video so you go on Urban Dictionary and make a definition of boredom until you realize no one has a care in the world of definitions which are not the top definition. People normally show they are bored by using the commonly used phrase, "Wow, this is boring," (as shown by the GIF below).

Whilst I was watching Ninja, I felt a rush of boredom because he doesn't shout, "REEEEE," so I started watching Daequan

by Did I Get Top Definition? November 9, 2018


Robert Louis Stevenson, the famous author, had displayed the feeling of seeing 404 in his book 'Treasure Island' in the chapter 'The Black Spot'. If you encounter the vicious 404, you will die of shock or worse, you will die of force when you smash the computer on your forehead. No one has come back from a scouting mission with 404, but it is said that a hero called Elon would save the day and slay 404. But that time hasn't come yet, and 404 is still criminally active. Hopefully, he will die from the new disease, Ligma. (you thought I wouldn't put a Ligma joke in this definition, didn't you?)

You: "He is a big supporter you You-Know-Who!"
Harry Potter: "What? 404?"
You: "Don't speak his name!"

by Did I Get Top Definition? November 9, 2018


Reetus (ᚱᛖᛖᛏᚢᛋ) is an ancient word developed by the ancient memesters (ᛗᛖᛗᛖᛋᛏᛖᚱᛋ) to solve the terrible plague which was the Plague of Ree (ᛈᛚᚨᚷᚢᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚱᛖᛖ). The Plague of Ree was a long age when mankind found out about the tempting word Ree (ᚱᛖᛖ). Soon later, the world was flooded with people shouting 'Freaking Normies REEEEEEEEEE'. So the high council of men, consisting of Dark Wizard Daequan, Lord Commander Pewdiepie and The Person who gets nine-year-old gamer's attention, Grandayy, made a new form of the tempting word Ree and changed it into Reetus (ᚱᛖᛖᛏᚢᛋ) (this started the foundation of Latin) and this word was less tempting, making Ree fade away. But, unfortunately, Dark Wizard Daequan saw the Ree's power and used it for himself. Pewdiepie and Grandayy were successful in not using its power, but Daequan is still in the shadows, and its power will soon take over the world once again, but what remains of the memesters, which is led by Lord Regent of Memes, Grandayy, is fighting back. Will you fight in the War of the Ree?

Never say Ree, always say Reetus

by Did I Get Top Definition? November 10, 2018

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