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Part I: Definition

Liberalism literally means 'to be liberal' and liberal means 'to be loose'. THIS MEANS that liberals do not want laws. That is vaguely true, and maybe if you can find a conservative anarchist I'll be wrong. Liberalism is the establishment of liberals in politics. They usually vote for and represent democrats, John McCain = exception. Liberals advocate personal freedoms and peace, as well as recognize problems worldwide, and not the ones that only threaten us (Iraq, Afghanistan, but the first one was a hoax to help Halliburton the oil company).

Part II: Bashing
To the peopl who said Liberals are semi-retarded: type into Google 2004 election by IQ. You'll be surprised. It may not be believable at first, but the inability to find a site supporting you will lead to the stomach-turning conclusion.
To the person who said we kill babies 'for no reason': Umm, maybe you forgot that children, while a bundle of joy, cost about 225000 dollars for education, food, the works. this includes tax write-offs. And to the people who said we whine, next time listen to what we whine about. If it isnt about the 13-digit deficit our economy is suffering, which wasnt as bad as the clinton era, its about the Free trade agreement Bush signed which entitles landowners to rule their workers like serfs in the fifteenth century.

Liberalism = reflecting on the world's problems and using judgement to create a future like we've never seen
Conservatism = reflecting on America's problems and using past experiences our country has endured to create a future that can show repetitiveness and therefore we (or 'theye')can make it better this time.

by Diego D. A. May 31, 2006

266👍 175👎


Note: from the standpoint of a liberal

Usually this word is directly affiliated with the Republican party. The way it is defined today means strict laws that favor the Bible and other older teachings, a group that opposes loose personal freedoms but favors loose economic freedoms. Pretty much, anybody who believes that the greater half of life is the work life.
Conservative can be used to describe liberals as well, because liberals favor loose personal freedoms but strict economic laws.

Here's some food for thought:
Democrats are more likely to be involved in scandals NOT INVOLVED with their jobs. Clinton is an example.
Republicans are more likely to be involved in scandals INSIDE their jobs. Tom DeLay is an example.

Above, above.

Type into Google: 2004 Election by IQ. It's pretty hilarious, and may be hard to swallow at first. Also type in '2004 Election by divorce rate' , '2004 Election by education level' , and anything you may find family or education oriented. Favors democrats, mostly New England where I live. More children are left behind in the Bible Belt than anywhere else in the country. Also, the two places that were attacked on Sept 11 are very heavily democratic, which is ironic when you think about it.

Conservative means something entirely different today than it did thrity years ago

by Diego D. A. May 31, 2006

240👍 189👎