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American philanthropist

An individual or organisation which invests in social responsibility initiatives for the dominant purpose of being able to tell others about their glorious selfless generosity, and hence increase their standing in the community.

"Dude the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls is such a blatant American Philanthropist undertaking"

"I heard that place was a concentration camp that abused young girls. In any case, the Goldman Sachs Small Business Fund is American Philanthropy in it's most purest form"

by Digital Demon June 16, 2011

15👍 2👎


The ultimate meal of sustenance and re-invigoration of pure strength known to man.

"Wanna be awesome like me buddy? Then eat some Goh-bread!!!!"
"Yo chill man, I don't want no trouble, I'm just here to have a good time"
"Dam straight fool!"

by Digital Demon June 16, 2011