A Canadian-American flash animated parody series made using GoAnimate/Vyond. The original creators are Sara Braeutigam (African Vulture) and Isaac Anderson. The episodes consist of Caillou doing something really horrible like sneaking into Chuck E. Cheese's, and gets grounded by his family for an absurd amount of years, decades or centuries.
This is has been very popular along with its sister series "Dora Gets Grounded" (which consist of Dora Marquez (from Dora The Explorer) doing the same bad things as Caillou) among the GoAnimate community ever since it started in December 2013.
"Caillou Gets Grounded" is one of the biggest cartoons of the 2010s besides Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, Gravity Falls, The Loud House, Teen Titans Go!, Star vs The Forces of Evil, Rick and Morty and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.