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It is a sub domination, of not being a word,
In sub not
Ins't sup not

no general use,
Beside itsubnot a word.
if you need use, go ask your faith...
what ever that may be
Define your world, Urban Dictionary

The word insubnot is in your world.

by Dinkerooh! January 14, 2006


An art of being invited to a chat group
and then finding a topic of interest in the group which you may not agree with

so you decide to spam the group with messages of a product you are able to

profit from. An example would be spamming a Anti-(what ever topic you enjoy)
with your youtube videos.

I got in to that discord and they started a conversation about getting UNICORNED and I did not want to hear it , so I started unicorning my shit.

by Dinkerooh! October 10, 2020