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1. A feeling similar to deja vu where you think you have seen something somewhere else previously

2. to appropriate the copyrighted works of others, and pass them off as your own to win photographic awards and fame.

3. the process of adding random and usually senseless bits of clipart to your photographic work to impress your colleagues when they judge your work.

4. Additional usage: describes how you feel when you are uncovered as the fraud that you are.

Photographer - Hmmmm - where have I seen that before? Is that a Saad?
Lisa: Nowhere - it's a unique piece of work.
AIPP Judge - either way I love it. Gold with Distinction

Creative person - look at my latest creation. Im going to post it on the internet.
Friend: You better watermark it dude - or someone might Saad it.

Established non-AIPP Photographer: What's that random piece of clipart doing in this photo.
AIPP Judge: Oh its a Saad. Lets score it higher.

Lisa - I cant believe they're revoked all my photographic awards. They cant take away my photo club titles.
Matt - you poor thing. You must feel really saad. Better give back those prizes now.

by Dino Thepenis February 15, 2019

5👍 5👎