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Being addicted to the social networking site Twitter, frequently "tweeting" pointless updates about your life

Patient: I'm on Twitter all the time! First thing in the morning, last thing at night... The people following me know more about me than my own family do!

Psychiatrist: I think you may have a twaddiction. Do you tweet singular nonsense things like "lol" and ":)"?

Patient: Yes!!

Psychiatrist: Yeah, it's a twaddiction... I'm just not sure it's curable...

by Dionysia June 12, 2011

5👍 -1👎


Girls with Ass and Sexual Hoe-potential

Did you see that gash walk past?

by Dionysia November 27, 2005

14👍 20👎


A combination of a tramp, ho and hussy!

Girl: I slept with Daniel, Scott, Levi, Adam, Alex, Tyrese and Lacquan.
Friend: Urgh you trohssy!

by Dionysia June 6, 2005

13👍 2👎


A condition where black people must sleep immediately after eating.

"That fried chicken was so good it's making me tired. I can feel my niggaritis kicking in right now....."

by Dionysia June 8, 2005

484👍 115👎