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Similar to the penis, the peonis is a commonly used word for a male diock. Unlike a chode the peonis is the normal size of the cocka.
2. Also a village in Italy.

He put his peonis into my vagona.
I r teh peonis.
Mi peonis le duele mucho.
Siente como un inferno.
I am from the Peonis, Italy.
Everyone from Peonis Italy has a massive peonis.

by Dirty Dan BMF July 15, 2008

12👍 9👎


Coacka is commonly used in China to describe the miniscule cock of the asian man. In other circles it descibes the peonis that is utilized in a dirty Sanchez as well as a Donkey Punch.

Man, That asian has a massive coacka. That's not saying much!
Dude I gave her a dirty Sanchez, "Using my coacka of course!"
You hear about that new movie i heard she died not from the donkeypunch by the guys coacka
Hey my coacka doesnt feel right in this vagona

by Dirty Dan BMF July 15, 2008