Source Code


1. Craig's list addict
2. Person, or persons addicted to using and/or browsing Craig's list.

Dude quick looking for the chick that are into furries on Craig's list, you freaking craddict.

My brother is craddict, I am sending him to CLA ( Craig's list anonymous ) meetings.

That group meeting over there are craddicts.

by Dirty Southerner May 13, 2008

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1.) One who has mastered over 1 million forms of dance

2.) An extordinary dancer. One capable of dancing in a manner superior to all others

3.) The most commanding dancer on the floor. Larger than life presence. Taking up ever bit of floor space available.

4.) A person 100% consumed with their dancing, as if the world around does not exist while dancing.

a. I know a gal who has been dancing since childhood and is for sure a Megadancer.
b. Only a Megadancer knows how to do the Pachanga!
c. Dance lessons from Megadancers cost bank!

a. Damn that hottie on the floor is a Megadancer.
b. That Megadancer is dancing like I have never seen before

a. Yo man, watch out for that Megadancer tearin up the floor
b. I could not hang with that Megadancin hottie on the floor
c. That Megadancin bitch shoved me off the dance floor.

4.) That lady dancing is in a trance or something. She seems connected, and one with her movement. Must be a Megadancer.

by Dirty Southerner February 21, 2009

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The plural of pussy.

"Do you know what the plural of pussy is?...Pussia! Jimmy taught me that. I need to get some of that PUSSAI! JIMMAY!"

Bunk - The Wire, HBO

by Dirty Southerner February 5, 2007

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1.) A newbie to Gentoo Linux
2.) A Gentoo Linux Groupie
3.) Gentoo code word for booby

1.) a. That users is such a gentoobie. ( also applies to #2 )
b. We all were a Gentoobie at one time ( also applies to #2 )

2.) a. Check out those hot gentoobies. ( male or female )
b. Everyone wants to be a gentoobie.

3.) Did you see the gentoobies on that guy, ew.

by Dirty Southerner January 18, 2008

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Swift Kick to the Nut Sack

That guy deserves no words, just a sktns.

Without saying a word my X threw open the door and dealt me a sktns.

The previous system admin should get a sktns.

by Dirty Southerner October 15, 2007

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1.) A phat fantasy, a fantasy that is phat

I had a phantasy about this shawty!

That phantasy, yeah not going to happen.

by Dirty Southerner June 27, 2008

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1.) Nickname, A.K.A, alias, etc for Dunlop Tires

Yo man your new ride rolling on some Lops or what?
Yeah I got some Lops on my 30s.

by Dirty Southerner July 11, 2008

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