This town is bootcamp for homosexuality.
If you aren't a fudge packer when you arrive you will be soon.
Ryan is a closet case and is an easy bottom.
102👍 508👎
Question: Why does this town have more homosexuals than any other town in America?
Answer: because Ryan the Bush supporter lives there and all the fellows know he is an easy bottom.
43👍 116👎
The bestest band EVER.
Too bad Country Dick dropped dead on stage. I can just hear him now.
"Hey, hey, Hey!! Get your dirty boots out of my grave you maggot!"
"Happy Boy" is the new national anthem!
8👍 23👎
Finest kind of cousin-fuckin country.
15,000,000 people, 6 last names.
168👍 432👎
They call it a commonwealth because it is not actually a State. And I say let's tighten up immigration laws to keep the Kentucks out. Put up a big fence and throw pig meat over the it so they don't starve to death. Stupid Fucks.
Take a 20 ounce ballpeen hammer and pound your balls flat. That is what living in Kentucky feels like.
90👍 435👎