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Pussy Pirate

Someone, usually a new/infrequent acquaintance, who is constantly trying to sabotage your relationship with your girlfriend in the hopes of swooping in and taking your place.

Chauncy: I'm gonna be at the party around 10, you guys coming?
Ruttiger: Yeah, Svetlana and me should be there around that time.... man, I hope Hanns isn't gonna be there
Chauncy: Why not?
Ruttiger: Dude, that guy is a total pussy pirate. I swear he's making a play for Svetlana
Chauncy: huh. wanna pop a cap in his ass?

by Dishpan Hanns May 22, 2010

25👍 8👎


Short form for the "mute button".

"Johnny wished he had a muton for his girlfriend"

"Poindexter!" Ethel yelled. "That TV is so loud! Hit the muton, will ya? I can't hear my mom no good on the phone!"

by Dishpan Hanns October 6, 2009

43👍 7👎


Acronym for "thanks so much". One of those expressions that, depending on how used, can be sincere or sarcastic in its meaning. To further confuse, can be used in both lower and upper case.

Sincere: "Hey man, looks like we were gonna run out of booze tonight after all! TSM for bringing that kegger, dude!"

Sarcastic: "I TOLD you I wasn't using birth control!! TSM!!!"

Uncertain: "Great birthday present, Harvey. tsm"

by Dishpan Hanns October 15, 2009

86👍 153👎