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Katrina aka kat, Kate, and katie are typically anal about everything. No matter what you say they will take it personal and try to say something. Also tend to think that they are hot shit because they were in a famous show called “sam & cat”; even though they aren’t spelt the same they tend to act cool. Most people named Katrina also seem to follow astrology from what i’ve seen.

Oh god here comes Kat
Katrina can you please stop your annoying me

by Dixi3 Normu$ May 10, 2021


A name; typically people with this name tend to believe in astrology. People with this name mostly take jokes that aren’t directed to them serious. They tend to cry over everything including this post and will make a fuss over it. They also seem to have a complex of some shape or form.

Damn she such a katerina

by Dixi3 Normu$ May 10, 2021

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