The kind of man you want to own. He will always wear the shirts you give him. He is roughly 5'2 and he pulls it off so well. If you want to hug him, he will always embrace you with his beefy arms. Because he is so muscular and hunky. But Owen also has a sensitive side. He always wants to give you snuggles and butterfly kisses. His butterfly kisses make you feel like you're flying. Owen will always watch Dwegons and Leprechauns with you because it's his favorite movie. He will hold your hand when the scary man (Timmy) rides an ox.
Girl 1: can I date Owen? Hes so hot!
Girl 2: sure I don't own him... but I wish I did *blushes*
Siblings by chance, lover's by choice.
Girl 1: who is that guy that Angelina Jolie is making out with?
Girl 2: oh, that's just her brother
Makenna is the definition of slay. She loves singing and microphones. She has the best balance and never trips or falls. Especially around the boys.
Boy 1: omg who is that baddie?
Girl: that's my colleague, Makenna.
Boy 2: you better snatch her up before it's to late. She's hot stuff