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A portmanteau of "shared" and "characteristics" meaning "shared characteristics". An modernizing of the word "similar" or "similarities", shedding the archaic definition.

Kanye West and Adolf Hitler have a lot of sharacteristics when you get down to facts. I don't know who is worse though.

by Doch October 19, 2022

leaky ego

Slang conversational term. describing for a one upper. Used to describe a person's inflatable ego, which needs to constantly be refilled.

Ah jeez, there's that Dan from Tom and Don's Irregular Cell Phone Emporium, don't let him talk to you. He's got a real leaky ego and won't shut up.

by Doch February 17, 2022

friendship knot

There are two variations of the Friendship Knot. The "Classical Friendship Knot" or simply "Friendship Knot", which is when two male friends form a lifelong heterosexual partnership by tying each others' penises together in a knot. There is nothing sexual about this ritual. It is a very meaningful event for the 2 friends participating, as it cements their lifelong bond of brotherhood.

The second variation is the "Oxford Friendship Knot" or "Underhand Friendship Knot" . This is a more playful event or experience that happens at clubs and parties, weddings, limousines, airports, etc. This is not a ritual or rite of passage, it is a hedonistic activity in most situations. The "Underhander" is when two males, (typically homosexual although not required or implied in any way) is similar to the Classical, however the penii are replaced by anal prolapses. The two men tie their prolapses anuses and usually colons together into a knot. This demonstration is far less culturally significant than the formal Friendship Knot, however it's popularity is growing rapidly as more and more people are performing it. The public performances have clearly caused a surge in watchers becoming participants soon after witnessing their first Friendship Knot,

Lance: I can't believe we did it, we've successfully gotten this organization off the ground. This calls for something special!!

Danny: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Lance: Bitch you know it.

Danny: *ties our dicks into a Friendship Knot and repeatedly slams it in the car door*

by Doch July 18, 2019


Analogous to "starstruck", updated for "The Info Era". The exorbitant yet fleeting delusion of grandeur a typical non-celebrity experiences when noticed by a celebrity, is "starstruck".

"Strangerstruck" conveys the non-celebrity's ignorance of the noticing celebrity's status. Commonly illustrated in pop-media.

2 main characters to meet celebrity; Friend 1 is obsessed w/ celebrity, Friend 2 ignorant of celebrity/their works. F2 just happy to be there. Conflict arises >> Friends can't go. Act 2: series of intensifying conflicts. F1 panicking, hopes to salvage night, maybe meet hero/idol. F2 unknowingly meets celebrity prior to event in unlikely place. F2 & celebrity hit it off. Conversation ends, celebrity departs with "Hey I like you kid! Here's 2 VIP tickets to my *event*. And don't forget to *ironic request negating all of F1's salvage efforts*, I'll be lookin' for you!". F1 approaches too late, celebrity exits. Exaggeratedly befuddled, exclaiming the line "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?!?", verbatim. Body language displayed is the exact same, across all instances of this plot. You know exactly which body exclamation I'm referring to.

The "strangerstruck" phenomenon also happens in the real world.
Ex: ??? liked my comment. Click only to reread own comment. Noticed user who liked comment was OP (over 500K subs). Only after knowing this, did "strangerstruck" sensation occur.

Danny: I made a comment on this weird science experiments channel and it was really self deprecating. Somebody liked it, stating the amount of honesty I displayed was "refreshing" and a "true sign of wisdom". You know who liked it..? *smirks*

Dog: *is neurologically incapable of understanding or vocalizing human words and concepts*

Danny: Yeah duder...*panicked scrolling through YouTube Watch History*....it waaaaasss.........

....................TechIngredients. Fuckin' eh, right, doggie. *flexes noodle arm in a strangerstruck fashion*

Dog: *eats the cat's shit then vomits the shit then re-eats the shit vomit*


*COMMENT TO URBANDICTIONARY APPROVAL LORD: I am not intentionally plugging TechIngredients, simply maintaining authenticity of how this term and definition came to me. If you DO NOT approve of using the specific channel name, please simply remove it, or change all instances to "UrbanDictionary". How I told the story is exactly how it happened, and screenshots to prove it.

by Doch March 11, 2021


The act of deliberately engaging in unhealthy/self-destructive behavior in an effort to expedite one's own death, but to do so in societally acceptable or neglected ways. Subtlecide is portmanteau of "subtle" and "suicide", or to "subtly work towards suicide". Subtlecide is a strategy generally used by the terminally mentally ill to achieve death without bringing unwanted attention to oneself, such as pressure or disapproval from friends and family, or involuntary psychiatric commitment. Common methods of subtlecide include tobacco use, drug and alcohol use/abuse, reckless/promiscuous sexual activity, among many others.

Last time I tried to commit suicide I was hospitalized and then incarcerated, so from now on I'll only work on my subtlecide.

by Doch January 28, 2022


The act of farting during an orgasm.

Ewww. Did you just forgasm?

by Doch February 8, 2009