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The act of playing with your weiner when you think no one on the Zoom conference can see you.

Did you hear about that CNN legal analyst who was caught Toobin on his video conference call? No way! Who was it? Jeffrey Toobin! How co-incidental is that?!

by Docsabre October 19, 2020


A cross between a buffalo and a gorilla meant to describe a human being who is ginormous.

Why are the springs shot on this side of your car, dude?

Because my girlfriend is a freeking bufforilla!

by Docsabre May 3, 2007

9👍 2👎


An erection that is so massive that you may only experience one in your life since two would cause death.

Did you hear that Mellisa's husband died of a reltney?

Yes, and I heard they had to have an open casket funeral.

by Docsabre May 3, 2007

23👍 14👎


When you are content with your gender as assigned by your chromosomes and you only think about your gender if asked. Otherwise you spend the majority of your time not really concerned about your gender.

My girlfriend isn’t confused about her gender. In fact, she’s quite well adapted emotionally. I’m starting to worry that she’s apathetogender.

by Docsabre March 7, 2021

lignogenic potential

From the Greek, combining lignos, the word for "wood" with "genesis" meaning to give birth to. This pharse describes the ability a particular woman has to inspire an erection. Not to be confused with a perfect erection, the so-called "lignogenesis perfecta".

Man, this disco blows. Not one of these bufforillas has any lignogenic potential.

by Docsabre May 3, 2007