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Fallace in wonderhand

A term used to describe an epic hand job received or self inflicted

Man that girl wouldn't give it up but she gave some amazing fallace in wonderhand action ! Masturbation,handjob,knuckle shuffle,Bologna bop,skeet street,

by Doctorhulu February 4, 2017

Fallace in wonderhand

A term used to describe an epic hand job received or self inflicted

Man that girl wouldn't give it up but she gave some amazing fallace in wonderhand action !

by Doctorhulu February 4, 2017

Cuckadille dundee

Cuckadille Dundee is being cuckled by an Australian or someone faking an Australian accent

I've never faked an accent while chuckling before call me cuckadille dundee , that's not a cock now this is a cock the cuckledille hunter,killer cuck

by Doctorhulu February 3, 2017

3👍 3👎