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Hopeless Romantic

They are the type of person that will write you love letters, they are the type of person that wants to lay down under a tree with you looking at the stars while having a love song in the background, they are the type of person to tell you they love you 50 times a day and give endless kisses, they are in love with the idea of love, they believe that love is what makes the world turn, and when you say you love them they will be forever loyal to you and theyre heart will melt everytime, and they will never ever give up on love no matter what! They are the best boyfriend or girlfriend you can ever have, they have the purest hearts and all they do is fantasies about love and listen to love songs

Ben is a hopeless romantic, he made a love song for his girlfriend and sent her flowers

by Dog In Boat, Doggo July 8, 2021


The cutest sweetest boy ever! IshUrBoiPanda is gem for everyone, he is always nice, sweet, good looking, wholesome, considerate, affectionate and loving to help others, the best boy i could ask for and i love him and he loves everybody as well and he is important and meaningful to me.

Absolutely the best boy ever!

IshUrBoiPanda is a cute boy

Panda x Doggo are the best couple ever

by Dog In Boat, Doggo February 22, 2021

1👍 4👎

Drop a brick down the well

To defecate, to make brownies from your brown hole, to release the poop from its cage, to go berserk, to do business on the porcelain throne, rule your kingdom.

1) Whatchu doing?
2) dropping a brick down the well, and ripping a hole through time and space with my ungodly farts. Wbu bro?

1) wait i'm on the toilet too let's drop a brick down the well together!

by Dog In Boat, Doggo June 21, 2023