Natives say they are the lowest of the tribe. They lie, steal, sleep around, and nobody likes them. People you should stay away from
1. Rose is a Succaw because she can't keep a job because no one likes her lying and nasty attitude.
2 Stay away from a Succaw, they are trashy people.
Someone with a crooked nose, huge moles on their face, stringy hair, rotten teeth, cackle for a laugh, dark circles under eyes, hollow face, long face, knobby knuckles on hands, doesn't like children, mean, ugly, nasty and evil.
Rose has a witchface and witch personality that's why she can't find a man and has to live with her "stepdaddy"
A fake name for a place to dump dead bodies.
John told Rip to take Jamie to the train station. Nobody will see Jamie alive again.
I'd like to see Beth take Rose to the train station. It would be nice if the buzzard could have her for dinner.