Love is when you want what you need and need what you want.
Relationships start out with a state of wanting. When you fall in love, you want the other person very, very much. Slowly over time, as you love you become more accustomed to that person so much that you might even feel as though you can't live without him/her. This is when "WANT" becomes "NEED." When you want and need something simultaneously, you can call it LOVE.
When you truly love someone, you know you want him/her. You crave for them so badly that you can feel them touching your soul and every nerve and fiber of your physical being. Lust is present but you crave for more. Love can leave you in a vulnerable state. Perhaps, this is where "WANT" transcends to "NEED." It's when you have become so independent on the other person for your emotional and physical demands that you can't live properly if he/she disappeared from your life completely. In a way love can become a comfort zone, a refuge you can run to where you feel safe.
After a breakup, it's unavoidable that you will feel slightly needy, your out of your comfort zone and you don't feel safe anymore. In your head you don't want your lover anymore , yet in your heart you still have feelings. This feeling is not love, it's nostalgia. Even if you were to get back together, you might be satisfied for a while, but you won't be satisfied for long because you feel like you need him/her only because your part of what feels familiar to them.
My desire for Chris Bishop is very strong, I want him in order to breathe, therefore in order to survive I need oxygen to breathe. I Love Mr Bishop.
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