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backup the train

An expression used to stop something or slow it down. If someone is talking fast, backup the train will mean for them to repeat what they said. Can be used with hold the phone

Kids in a classroom going crazy, someone swears
Teacher: Hold the phone, backup the train! Who said that?

by Don C. Hawantme June 1, 2007

4👍 3👎

ye old pube

From Family Guy, when Peter Griffin started his old English pub. As you can tell, he put an E at the end of the words to make it Old English like. Knowing Peter, he would an 'e' on Pub, making it Pube.

Bob: I'm going to the Ye Old Pube
Joe: --Pube? Is that a gay bar?

by Don C. Hawantme June 1, 2007

52👍 8👎

hold your whale, the toilets broken

A nonsense expression that doesn't really mean anything. Could be used to stop someone's doing. Similar to I am your mom

Bob: Hold your whale, the toilets broken!
Joe: --What?

by Don C. Hawantme June 1, 2007

6👍 2👎