A male whore with a Drinking Problem; A not so attractive straight ProstaDUDE that sexes women for money; someone that sleeps with old women for money; a guy that can handle sexing Ugly Women(a NuglyFUCKER);
"She only had enough money for a Semi-Elegant Piece of He-Candy"
"Never become the Semi-Elegant Piece of He-Candy"
Noun, Slang Highly appealing or interesting; attractive; Sexy Single Straight Male from Salt Lake City, Utah:
1.A person from Salt Lake City, Utah who is widely acknowledged to have sex appeal, the meaning of Yummy, a Man whose Macho is Gnarly!
2. A Man dedicated to supporting Single Mothers by Donating to Strip Clubs, and Finding the Cure for Breast Cancer.
3. A SL,UTty Martinez refers to a Salt Lake City, Utah association of Sexy, Slutty, Beer Drinkers.
"That guy over there is Such a Slutty Martinez!"
Boy tells Girl, "I am In Like with You"
Girl tells Boy, "I Love You"
Boy feels trapped and can't breathe and says "I am Sorry Hun, I am a Slutty Martinez, I have to Run"
"Women might be able to Fake Orgasms, but a Slutty Martinez can fake a Whole Relationship"
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A Really Ugly Person whose Face Guards his/her Body 24 Hours a Day. Mostly found at Wal-Mart or Bus Stops.
1. Someone that is so Ugly, you have to give the a second look.
"Oh man, that chick is Guarding 24-7"
"That guy is busy Guarding 24-7"
1. Two words defining an Epic Drinking Partner; Female Person who seems to get more and more mischievous as the night goes on; Someone that Hides the Beer; a Drunk Female whose intention is to cause trouble.
2. A female's alter ego that spends the week passed out in the mind of a crazy woman, waiting for the weekend to emotionally punish the World.
"Michell is a Devious Drunkster"
"Devious Drunkster, what happened to all the Beer?"
"I am not Hung Over. I am just suffering the after effects of getting emotionally punished by the Devious Drunkster."
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A man's word invented by the Rad meaning Damn Female; a feisty female; the once upon a time Rib of Adam that was transformed into Eve;
Only listen to an Other-Gender if she starts her sentence with "A Man once told me...."
"Man that Other-Gender wont shut up!"
"I bet that Other-Gender could do the Dishes in 5 Minutes"
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a person that is Definitely Rad; an association of Gnarly People; believers of the Rad Harmony Faith; People that are allergic to Lame; Epic Lame-Slayers from Slutty Utah; anyone Awesome;
"Priest Rev. Jonson, Kung-Boo, and the Slutty Martinez Brothers are Def-Radder Lame-Slayers, and the Fathers of Rad Harmony!"
"Def-Radder's do not, or ever will listen to any Usta-Groover"
"That Def-Radder is the Gnarliest Mother Effer I ever Met!"
Someone that lost their Gnarly. They might at one point in their Life been Groovy, but now they pretty much just keep it Lame! Also they are contagious, Hanging Out with them SUCKS!"
Usta-Groover - "Hey Man why you having Fun?"
Rad Person - "Dude, we are at a Strip Club?"
Usta-Groover - "I can't remember how to Gnarly! Beer makes me Sick! And my Wife says I shouldn't be here!"
Rad Person - "I am sorry I couldn't here you I was looking at Boobies!"