Jerious is a god among men, he is so high of a being that others often get jealous and dislike him because of it, but once you find him thereâs only one of him, heâs amazing and the most loyal a person gets, he is the best partner you can find.
The most beautiful soul to see. The fiery red hair shows the true violence in his soul. The red head will always be the savage true friend you need to brighten your day, or life. But never betray him cuz a nigga crazy
Vincent gene Reilly is a crazy mother fucker
Vincent gene Reilly is the best friend I ever had
The most beautiful soul to see. The fiery red hair shows the true violence in his soul. The red head will always be the savage true friend you need to brighten your day, or life. But never betray him cuz a nigga crazy
Vincent gene Reilly is a crazy mother fucker
Vincent gene Reilly is the best friend I ever had