Doucheness: having or displaying douche like tendencies.
The Douche Patrol aims to expose all douches across the globe. We see all forms of doucheness and the ill-effects that result.
John Doe was out clubbing this weekend with such doucheness that it was a total turn off to all his fellow clubbers.
Douchitis: The illness or disease of having excessive douche like tendencies, to the extent that it effects loved ones and friends in a negative manner.
We at Douche Patrol are the world's foremost leading authority on douches, douchebags, douchettes, and douchebag behavior in general. We recently launched the Global Douche Initiative in order to combat douchitis worldwide.
The douchitis pandemic is increasing at such an astonishing rate that the global economy is feeling the horrible effects due to douche-like activity negatively affecting workforce activities.