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wet butter

Smoother than butter.

Slicker than butter.

Slipperier than butter.

A graceful or easy occurrence.

The pilot eased the plane in for landing like wet butter.

The aptitude test went as smooth as wet butter.

by Douggles June 15, 2009

9👍 4👎

make it so, Number One

Taken from Star Trek: TNG where Picard is always telling Number One to Make It So.

1. Go ahead and do it.

2. Enough talk, do it already.

3. Answering to the affirmative.

"Hey, I was wondering if I can try leading the meeting today?"
"Make it so, Number One"

"Can I go out for lunch?"
"Make it so, Number One"

"Can I go out for go to the bathroom?"
"Make it so, Number One"

"Can I reboot the server?"
"Make it so, Number One"

by Douggles May 22, 2006

198👍 45👎


Contraction of "shall not".

Also spelled shan't.

I shall not buy milk.

I shant buy milk.

by Douggles February 4, 2010

93👍 66👎


Obscenely complicated, awkward, unintuitive, or unusable.

Windows Mobile 7 is so fricking slow and conflagregated.

by Douggles May 6, 2008

4👍 3👎