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n., Excitement, usually Sexual or romantic, causing a hard on of the pecker and/or clit and nipples, but it may occur with other forms of thrill-seeking, such as extreme sports, extreme amusement park rides, or space monkey.

The occurrence of tit as the first syllable of titillation is purely coincidental.

v. form, titillate.

The road between Merced Falls and Hornitos, where it passes around the buttes, has such perfect hills for a roller coaster ride that little kids get titillation riding in a car driving on it.

by Downstrike December 24, 2005

93πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


1. A much-maligned burb of Sacramento. It is the locale of the Folsom State Prison, which, contrary to a daffynition written by a prospective inmate from Hellay, is not named Pelican Bay.

2. A location in New Mexico near which the Folsom Man and Folsom Point were discovered. The man lived during an ice age, and the point is considered to be the most advanced stone age spear point ever discovered.

3. A community in Louisiana from which a serial arsonist waged a campaign of at least 70 arsons.

1. I'm not sure why peeps whine so much about Folsom, when Sacratormento is so close. Is it because their Daddies are in the slammer, or is it because their Daddies work at the slammer and come home every night and take out their frustrations on them?

2. When archaeologists found a Folsom Point embedded in the bone of a woolly mammoth, they were finally able to prove that man lived during the ice age.

3. It's not like Louisiana had enough problems after Katrina, is it? They had to have a serial arsonist too.

by Downstrike November 10, 2005

81πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

two-legged cattle

See people and stampeding herds.

When people mindlessly do something without knowing any reason for doing it, they become like two-legged cattle.

by Downstrike September 13, 2004

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

stampeding herds

Masses of mindless people or critters all hell bent toward a common goal. See committee mentality.

Many times, crowds of people will see someone do something, and think they should do it too, even though they have no idea why the first person did it. They become stampeding herds of two-legged cattle.

by Downstrike September 13, 2004

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Little people of most any description, seen only by rednecks in old Oly commercials.

Artesians are from Artesia, and they come up through Artesian wells at night.

by Downstrike December 26, 2005

30πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Race For Doroon

Sci Fi/Fantasy novel about boos, boofetts and the Kee.

Slang terms boo and boofett originated in Race For Doroon.

by Downstrike June 5, 2004

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Kneejerk Corruptions, Incorrigible

The second-leading source of antitrust, right on the heals of MyCrudSoft sWindles. Frequently euphemized as Network Solutions, Incorporated.

In 1999 and 2000 Kneejerk Corruptions, Incorrigible held my domain name for ransom for seven months while I tried to transfer it to a different registrar, until I got the Better Business Bureau on their case.

by Downstrike September 14, 2004

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž