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1. From Latin, literally meaning wanderer.

2. Anachronistic usage: a star that wanders, or moves, in the sky.

3. A world that orbits a star or other celestial object. Primary planets our solar system include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Secondary planets orbit primary planets. Earth and Pluto are binary planets. Secondary planets are some times called minor planets, but minor planets also include planets that does not orbit other planets. Pluto's status as a major or minor planet is debated.

We live on planet Earth.

by Downstrike May 22, 2004

44πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


1. Literally; n., a pin or keeper, placed through or around an axle, that prevents a wheel from slipping off of its axle.

2. Slang; n., Any part or person that is so vital to something that if it went missing, the whole thing would fall apart.

1. You have to pull the linchpin to adjust the bearings.

2. Someone has to take the snap, so the quarterback is the football offensive team's linchpin.

by Downstrike November 27, 2005

66πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


One's philosophical loyalties; may include religious ideals.

In RPG, the choice between good and evil; law and chaos.

Why do my chaotic evil characters always get stuck with a bunch of goody-goody lawfuls?

by Downstrike May 26, 2004

28πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A particular form of fraud in which an unscrupulous phone company switches you from your chosen long distance carrier to them, without your consent or knowledge.

Get your PIC frozen, or some company with high LD rates can slam you.

by Downstrike July 16, 2005

26πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

morally repugnant

adj. Causing revulsion to people who have high moral values, moral standards, and moral character.

Most people who do morally repugnant things would have higher moral standards themselves if they weren't trying so hard to offend someone.

The very fact that they know the most morally repugnant things to do indicates that they know better.

by Downstrike May 26, 2004

66πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

capital offense

1. Literally, a crime punishable by death.

2. Exaggerated description of the seriousness of an act, or someone's reaction to it.

You'd think I committed a capital offense when I forgot to call.

by Downstrike September 27, 2004

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

militantly ignorant

1. n., Peeps who rigorously eschew all forms of mental stimulation, on the feeble premise that either God or evolution will teach us all that we need to know. They may vocally oppose education, and believe that writing is something that only writers do. They sometimes brag about having no sense of size, quantity, or direction.

The militantly ignorant rarely read books or even magazines or newspapers, admit that they don't enjoy the fine arts, have a poor sense of history, can't find Nevada or Pakistan on a globe, and avoid watching the news on TV. They don't own library cards or use technology, except as a joke or novelty, believing digital productivity and entertainment to be waning fads, and are easily recognized by holding materials upside down while reading, unless they contain pretty pictures. What informational channels they do expose themselves to through TV or movies are usually either drivel or very low-grade.

They are greatly relieved to be unaware of the existence of resources such as NPR or the Internet. They can't read, spell, or even speak very well, don't recognize or use many words, frequently substitute similarly sounding words for what they really mean, take violent offense at innocent comments, and otherwise misconstrue most statements containing words longer than three syllables.

Unfortunately, such people rarely study or try to improve themselves or their work, (if they actually do any), and can only poorly define their misconceptions, much less defend them. Should they attempt to describe a problem, they will most likely describe it as a thingy that acted funny. This may have seemed cute when they were small, but if such seemingly cute ignorance is excessively rewarded when people are small, they learn to adopt ignorance as a strategy for obtaining affection, and eventually their brains atrophy from disuse and they can't learn more mature strategies.

(Source: jehovah.to/glos/=M.html #militantly_ignorant)

2. adj., Stupid on purpose.

In order to be understood by the militantly ignorant, it's best to limit your sentences to two or three words.

Quotations from the militantly ignorant:

``Persons go to college so they can evolve into apes.''

``I don't know much about ____ but I know what I like!''

``Lemme see, did Moses live before or after Jesus?''

``But the news is on at the same time as Beavis and Butthead!''

``Ha ha ha---math was always my worst subject in school!''

``No way! The minute you leave California you're in Utah.''

``Since that commercial came out, everbuddy knows the capitol of Arkansas is Phoenix, not Puhonix! Arkansas, Arizona, same smell! Flagstaff?!? Ha ha ha ha!''

by Downstrike October 29, 2005

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