Source Code

Jehovah's Witness

(Grammatically incorrect.) A member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Grammatically correct form: He is one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

by Downstrike May 18, 2004

218πŸ‘ 305πŸ‘Ž


In CB slanguage, a Sultan of Slang who uses so much slang that even other Sultans of Slang have to look up what they're saying in the CB Slanguage Bible to understand what they're saying.

When a bible-mouthed gunnybagger ratchets his jaw, (see ratchet jaw), he done blow your doors off for sure.

by Downstrike May 30, 2004

23πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

if it ain't broke, don't fix it

The old school version of predictive maintenance.

One of the quickest ways to break something is to fix it when it ain't broken.

by Downstrike December 15, 2004

198πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

mind set

1. n. A state of mind, usually used in combination with descriptive modifier.

2. n. A set of minds. See committe mentality.

A mind set (see 2) can have a criminal mind set (see 1).

by Downstrike July 10, 2004

14πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Baby Huey

1. A cartoon and comic book character, circa 1940s to 1970s, when comic books were still about comedy, and briefly reappearing in the mid-1990s. He had a peculiar baby-like vocabulary and grammar that included statements like, "I yamn't going to do this any more".

2. A big, fat slob, or a blundering idiot.

3. A style, or lack thereof, in which one's shirt is too short, typically because of the size of the belly, so that the bare belly protrudes quite grossly below it. This is not to be confused with tops that are cropped in order to intentionally display a nice-looking tummy. However, it could easily apply to the bare tummy of a person who is seriously mistaken in the belief that it looks nice.

1. Baby Huey had the mentality and grammar of a baby, in the body of a champion sumo wrestler, and was usually accompanied by his diminutive and aptly-named sidekick, "Cousing" Dimwit.

2. Hey, Baby Huey! Would you get your finger out of your nose long enough to open your eyes and look where you're going?

3. Pull your shirt down; you look like Baby Huey!

by Downstrike November 4, 2005

63πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Literally, a blatant, presumably intentional misspelling of the improperly plural adverb form of cool, coolly.

1. Like being cool, only more so.

2. Used as adj.; cool, only more so.

3. n. An oriental ethnic group; reknown in the western U.S. for working in near-slavery conditions to do the hard part of building the first trans-continental railroad.

4. n. An offensive racial, (see race), slur against oriental people.

1. No known example of usage.

2-3. After the coolies finished the project, it must have been real coolies to have a trans-continental railroad.

4. I doubt they ever let the coolies ride on it.

by Downstrike May 26, 2004

68πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


1. n. A specific cartoon TV clown from the 50s and 60s, originally in B&W.

2. n. Any old clown.

3. n. Annoying person.

4. n. A chat or message board troll.

5. n. A feature of About and Delphi Forums, and some other Prospero Technologies message boards that allows a moderator to surreptitiously silence a bozo (3).

6. v. To use the bozo feature on a message board; p.t., bozoed. Bozoed is also the adj. describing the condition of one subjected to the bozo feature.

Don't obsess about Bozo the Clown in a Sci Fi forum, you bozo, or you'll get bozoed!

by Downstrike September 29, 2004

307πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž